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Our services upholds the 5 New Testament examples of worship, which are, accapella singing, giving, teaching, communion and prayer.  Of course praise and adoration to our Lord is included in each of these examples.  God asks for no more and no less.  John 4:24; We must worship God in spirit and in truth.


Youth are encouraged to be good, moral productive citizens. We encourage our youth to love everybody, but first they must learn to love themselves. We want to teach our youth in the context of their crises.  They must learn to understand  and respect authority.  Living in a world where media is so plentiful in every aspect, youth must be taught to be aware of the corruption and misdealing of today's media.  We embrace technology, but be aware of the dangers of technology.  In this we hope our youth are better prepared to face the type of reality they are living in today


Family activities


Family activities are encouraged.  Home, family and marriage is what the church is about.  To have healthy families we must be family focus.  We encourage many family outings such as zoo visits, fellowships, picnics, family days and whatever we purpose for building family togetherness.  Along with family activities is the teaching of God's purpose for fathers,  mothers and  for youth.  We hope we will demonstrate God's in our family activities.


Evening Service


In the book of Genesis the Bible teaches that the evening and the morning was the first day. We don't want to short change God.  We want God to bless us each day, and everydayy.  How dare we imply that a few hours on Sunday is enough.  We have evening service for those individuals who must work in the on Sunday, or who perhaps were hindered from attending at the appointed time. Everyone should have the opportunity to worship.

​To inquire about any of our services click of the link below. 

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